13 02, 2017

You, (Windows) ME, And The Future Have a Lot In Common

The time was June of 2000.

Your Chevy Silverado got a new face lift. Your AOL logins got a little quicker, and, your desktop took a change. The internet was here, the future was clear, and with Windows 98 behind us, we knew exactly how the world was going to work – for the world was a friendly place and all would work out in the future, right? Wrong. Sandwiched somewhere between the rise of McDonalds and the explosive end of the dot com bubble lies the product of what happens when your bitcoin portfolio explodes too quickly and you have no exit strategy: Windows ME. Where were you in the summer of 2000? If you were me, you were stuck in a house all day, smashing away at a keyboard. No, I wasn’t stuck in some miserable desk job that will drive me to become a divorce stat [...]