01: Welcome To Awesomebox. Why We Built Awesomebox, How It Works, And What Awesomebox Does.
Looking to find a semi decent firewall solution that has amazing functionality that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg? Looking for a firewall that doesn’t require large amounts of power draw and a server you really don’t want running because it’s too old, loud, and clunky?
The SG-1000 is a match made in heaven.
To preface, this isn’t the first SG-1000 I’ve owned. This isn’t the first Netgate box I owned. But let me tell you, with the advancements in ARM processor technology paired with the solid, trusted solution that PFsense offers – This is one hell of a box. You get a lot for your mon [...]
Ransomware: A heated topic earlier this year in 2017, still as relevant today. What does ransomware do? Ransomware is a special type of malware specifically designed to encrypt and hold your data for a price – typically payable in Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, or other types of anonymous forms of payment. Once this malware strikes, typically in the form of an email attachment, word document, or excel spreadsheet, ransomware works to make sure you can never see your files / folders again unless you pay the ransom. There are many ways to stop this attack from happening in the first place. We’ll give you 3 free ways to help prevent ransomware right now, so you can take a nice breather. First, ransomware typically comes in the form of an email. If the sender looks su [...]
Security or Accessibility? The question everyone loves to ask, but a problem no one is willing to solve. It’s time to start taking action on security. 2.5 million Americans this year were affected by a data breach from Equifax. Verizon left one of their servers open and unprotected, exposing thousands of client data records including addresses, phone numbers, and even account pins. Over 1 billion Yahoo accounts were stolen. I wish i could say this wasn’t true. But it is: And truth be told, data breaches and identity theft will get much worse before this situation gets better. Going into 2018, we have much more online than we did the year prior, and while technol [...]
Happy July everyone! Wow! Year is definitely flying by. I’ve been asked by many my overall thoughts / plan of action against ransomware, and here it is: Your official (User-friendly!) guide to understanding and preventing ransomware. You know, a couple of years ago the state of the PC security industry met a remarkable peak: Things were going well security wise. Edge firewalls were getting decent, client PCs finally became stable software / support wise, and operating systems were finally getting remarkably easy to configure / deploy. Windows 7 was the heartbeat of small business, and, for a little bit, the infections of activeX / browser toolbars / fake antivirus seemed to have disappeared. The biggest threat on our list was all those fake search engines / browser manipulat [...]