20 03, 2017

Is Bitcoin losing its gold standard? Why Bitcoin Unlimited Scares The Heck Outta Me

Sometime change is good. It’s 2017 – we now have LEDs that don’t suck, cars that can (somewhat) drive themselves, and a fine choice of 3 Big Mac sandwiches – But two bitcoins? Not so much.


Look, let me be quite straight with all of you: I have no vote in this core / unlimited debate. I’ve checked out long ago after my bitcoin farm of 9 GPUs decided to Chernobyl and shut my operations down. But the one thing this community needs to question is: Is the light at the end of the tunnel really a light? Or a train? The bitcoin community has seen a lot over the last 3 years. We organically came back from a Mt. Gox / negative news bonanza, several pump n dump runs, and (again) media intervention partnered with those ima-get-rich quick guys. However, although we have been through a ton, I do not think we can weather the storm coming.. that is if BTC hard forks to unlimited.

The real questions we should be asking ourselves is: What is bitcoin? Are we as humans removing the gold standards that made bitcoin strong in favor of higher volume? Are we really looking at the long term goals of bitcoin? Sure, we are at 7 transactions per second, but before we start comparing ourselves to PayPal or Visa, we need to reflect back to who we really are. Before we start becoming a divided house that cannot stand, let’s take a quick look back to where we once were: a community driven to be the underlying foundation to a world unbound by the big banks. If you truly want BTC to succeed, hold true to its core. If you want the middleman out of your currency and into your pocket: go core. If you want this train to keep on the tracks and provide a solution for years to come: go core.

Switching to bitcoin unlimited will be the most confusing and detrimental shift our community will have to face. All the underlying infrastructure, our name recognition, and media attention will wasted. Imagine someone going to purchase a bitcoin and someone stops them and asks, “Wait, which one”? From the small farmers market to the big online stores, this change will send waves all the way through our ecosystem, eventually causing a failure. I for one wish to see bitcoin remain true to the core and strong in its foundation. I hope I can convince some of you to do the same.


As always: Keep calm and hold on.

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